Phạm Văn Phú | Chat Online
10/09/2024 17:02:25

roofsgardennon - pollutingpollutingthe moonarerenewablethe Sun Solar energy is a long lasting source (0)..of.. energy, and it can be used almost anywhere. To generate solar energy, we only need solar cells and (1).....................! Solar cells can easily be installed on house (2) ................., so we don’t need any new space. Compared to other (3)...................... sources, they also possess many advantages: wind and water power rely on turbines which (4).................noisy, ...

roofsgardennon - pollutingpolluting
the moonarerenewablethe Sun

Solar energy is a long lasting source (0)..of.. energy, and it can be used almost anywhere. To generate solar energy, we only need solar cells and (1).....................! Solar cells can easily be installed on house (2) ................., so we don’t need any new space. Compared to other (3)...................... sources, they also possess many advantages: wind and water power rely on turbines which (4).................noisy, expensive and which take up large space. Solar cells are totally silent and (5).......................... As they have no moving parts, they require little maintenance and have a long lifetime.

Question 4

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