Nguyễn Thị Thương | Chat Online
10/09/2024 17:04:16

V. Read then complete the passage with given words.Moderation eat healthy guidelines variety What does a “ balanced diet ” mean? It means you eat a ...................... (1) of foods without eating too much anything. ...................... (2) is very important. Eat the food you enjoy, but don’t have too much. This will help you stay fit and ...................... (3). Don’t forget about exercise either! We all need exercise. Follow these ...................... (4) and ...

V. Read then complete the passage with given words.

Moderation eat healthy guidelines variety

What does a “ balanced diet ” mean? It means you eat a ...................... (1) of foods without eating too much anything. ...................... (2) is very important. Eat the food you enjoy, but don’t have too much. This will help you stay fit and ...................... (3). Don’t forget about exercise either! We all need exercise. Follow these ...................... (4) and enjoy the food you ...................... (5) – that is the key to a healthy lifestyle.

Question 4

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