Nguyễn Thu Hiền | Chat Online
10/09/2024 17:42:05

Write an email (60-80 words) to a friend to tell him/ her about a festival you went to Use the following questions as cues: 1. What festival did you go to? 2. Where and when did you go to it? 3. Why do people celebrate it? 4. What did you do there? 5. Did you like the festival? Why or why not?

Write an email (60-80 words) to a friend to tell him/ her about a festival you went to

Use the following questions as cues:

1. What festival did you go to?

2. Where and when did you go to it?

3. Why do people celebrate it?

4. What did you do there?

5. Did you like the festival? Why or why not?

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