CenaZero♡ | Chat Online
10/09/2024 22:38:12

Read the text and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F). Tokyo is a famous city. There are a few good buildings and impressive temples; there are a few parks worth visiting. Everything has to be small in Tokyo: houses, rooms, shops. Long-side streets consist of tiny houses only, and this often creates a toy-like, with small women tip-toeing along in their kimonos. Tokyo at night is a very different place from Tokyo in daytime. Millions of neon ...

Read the text and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).

Tokyo is a famous city. There are a few good buildings and impressive temples; there are a few parks worth visiting. Everything has to be small in Tokyo: houses, rooms, shops. Long-side streets consist of tiny houses only, and this often creates a toy-like, with small women tip-toeing along in their kimonos.

Tokyo at night is a very different place from Tokyo in daytime. Millions of neon lights are switched on and nowhere in the world is more attractive.

A town is not its buildings alone; it is an atmosphere, its pleasure, its sadness, its madness, and above all its people. Tokyo may lack architectural beauty but it has character and excitement; it is alive. I found it a mysterious and lovable city.

1. _________ There are many beautiful buildings in Tokyo.

2. _________ There is nothing to see in the parks in Tokyo.

3. _________ Many small houses found along long road.

4. _________ At night, Tokyo is not as attractive as many other cities.

5. _________ Tokyo has beautiful architecture.

6. _________ The author likes Tokyo.

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