Phạm Văn Bắc | Chat Online
10/09/2024 22:58:59

1. What is the content of the film?a. Because horror films are more thrilling than comedies.2. Where did you buy this TV?b. At 7.00 pm.3. Who is the most famous British comedian?c. It is about the love story between a poor man and a rich woman.4. What time can you watch the news on VTV1?d. I bought this TV at Pico Plaza Electric Machinery Supermarket.5. Why do you prefer horror films to comedies?e. Maybe Charlie Chaplin.

1. What is the content of the film?a. Because horror films are more thrilling than comedies.

2. Where did you buy this TV?b. At 7.00 pm.

3. Who is the most famous British comedian?c. It is about the love story between a poor man and a rich woman.

4. What time can you watch the news on VTV1?d. I bought this TV at Pico Plaza Electric Machinery Supermarket.

5. Why do you prefer horror films to comedies?e. Maybe Charlie Chaplin.

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