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10/09/2024 23:00:51

Read the text and complete the following sentences PLASTIC CLOTHING Lots of things can be recycled -such as glass, paper, metal, and plastic. Rethink Fabrics is a company based in Seattle, U.S.A. It is trying to fight the planet's plastic waste problem one bottle at a time. The company's goal is to encourage people to think about where their clothes come from by making clothing from trash. It uses new technology to make clothing items for men and women, like T-shirts. The T-shirts are made out ...

Read the text and complete the following sentences


Lots of things can be recycled -such as glass, paper, metal, and plastic. Rethink Fabrics is a company based in Seattle, U.S.A. It is trying to fight the planet's plastic waste problem one bottle at a time.

The company's goal is to encourage people to think about where their clothes come from by making clothing from trash. It uses new technology to make clothing items for men and women, like T-shirts.

The T-shirts are made out of 100% recycled polyester (called rPET), from plastic bottles. Inside every T-shirt is a small picture showing how many bottles were recycled to make it, so customers know they are helping the planet. The T-shirts are high-quality and not very expensive to buy.

At the end of the T-shirt's life, the recycling process continues--it is made into another new piece of clothing. Other companies also recycle old clothes into footwear and even household items, like carpets. Recycling your plastic really can help to save the environment!






1. Rethink Fabrics is trying to ________ the planet.

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