Nguyễn Thị Sen | Chat Online
10/09/2024 23:10:32

1 Use the words and phrases to write a passage. 1. In/ 1970s, skateboarding suddenly/ become very popular. 2. At first, skateboarders/ move slowly/flat, smooth areas. 3. Then they/ begin/ ride quickly. This/ be called “freestyle” skateboarding. 4. Soon they/ be skateboarding skillfully up ramps/ doing tricks in the air. 5. This/ be called “ramp” skateboarding. Then they/ start skateboarding/ doing tricks/ the street. 6. This/ be “street-style” skateboarding - a combination of ...

1 Use the words and phrases to write a passage.

1. In/ 1970s, skateboarding suddenly/ become very popular.

2. At first, skateboarders/ move slowly/flat, smooth areas.

3. Then they/ begin/ ride quickly. This/ be called “freestyle” skateboarding.

4. Soon they/ be skateboarding skillfully up ramps/ doing tricks in the air.

5. This/ be called “ramp” skateboarding. Then they/ start skateboarding/ doing tricks/ the street.

6. This/ be “street-style” skateboarding - a combination of freestyle/ ramp.

7. For this, the skateboarders/ need protective clothing/ as knee and elbow pads/ helmets. This/ allow them/ skateboard safely.

8. Today skateboarding is still/ very popular sport, and there/ are lots of competitions.

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