Lam Trần Hà Trang | Chat Online
14/07/2017 23:06:44

What you (do) ... for the past five minutes? In other words, what activity began five minutes ago and has been in progess from then until now? I (talk) ... to you for the past five minutes. I started talking to you five minutes ago, and I dtill talking to you

30. A: What you(do).........................for the past five minutes? In other words,what activity began five minutes ago and has been in progess from then until now?
B:I (talk) you for the past five minutes. I started talking to you five minutes ago, and I dtill talking to you.
31.A:Where you(be)....................tomorrow morning?
B; I(be) class tomorrow morning.
32. A: What you (do) this exact time tomorrow? In other works, what activity will be in progress at this exact same time tomorrow?
B: Right now I am siting in the classroom. And at this exact time tomorrow,I(sit) the classroom.
33.A: What you(do) the time you got to class today?In other words,what is one activity that you had completed before you arrived in class today?
B: Well,for one thing, I(eat)..................breakfast by the time I got to class today.
34. A: What you(do) the time before you go to bed tonight? Name one activity that yoou will have completed before you go to bed tonight.
B: I (eat)...................................dinner by the time I go to bed tonight.
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