Phạm Văn Bắc | Chat Online
11/09/2024 11:17:28

Part 2: Questions from 6 to 15. Listen to the dialogue between a receptionist and a customer about hotel reservation. Complete the note below. Write only one word or numbers for each answer. HOTEL RESERVATION Example Location: north from the coast Four-bed room available in (6) ……………………….….. Room price: • in high season: (7) € ……………………….….. • cheaper if you booked (8) ……………………….….. in advance Meal included in price: (9) ……………………….….. ...

Part 2: Questions from 6 to 15.

Listen to the dialogue between a receptionist and a customer about hotel reservation. Complete the note below. Write only one word or numbers for each answer.



Location: north from the coast

Four-bed room available in (6) ……………………….…..

Room price:

• in high season: (7) € ……………………….…..

• cheaper if you booked (8) ……………………….….. in advance

Meal included in price: (9) ……………………….…..

Must bring your own: (10) ……………………….…..

Hotel facilities:

• a lounge with a variety of (11) ……………………….…..

• (12) ……………………….….. room

• (13) ……………………….…..

Activities available:

• collect (14) ……………………….…..

• hire (15) ……………………….…..

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