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11/09/2024 12:49:11

Diving with sharks Amanda Brewer is an art teacher from New Jersey, in the United States. She is very interested in sharks. She even traveled to South Africa as a volunteer for White Shark Africa. In the summer of 2014, Brewer was volunteering in Mossel Bay, South Africa. She was working with scientists to collect information about sharks. She was helping out on shark-spotting trips. On one of these trips, Brewer dived into the ocean in a metal cage, she was hoping to see a shark up close. She ...

Diving with sharks

Amanda Brewer is an art teacher from New Jersey, in the United States. She is very interested in sharks. She even traveled to South Africa as a volunteer for White Shark Africa.

In the summer of 2014, Brewer was volunteering in Mossel Bay, South Africa. She was working with scientists to collect information about sharks. She was helping out on shark-spotting trips.

On one of these trips, Brewer dived into the ocean in a metal cage, she was hoping to see a shark up close. She didn’t have to wait very long. A great white shark suddenly appeared and swam straight toward the cage. It wanted to eat a piece of meat tied to the cage.

Brewer was very excited about her experience with the shark – she said she wasn’t scared at all. “They’re beautiful, powerful, and intelligent, and it erases all the fear”, she explained. After her close encounter, she shared the photo she took online. Soon, many people talk about it.

She also hung the photo in her classroom for her students to see. They were amazed to hear about her adventure. She hopes to use the image to teacher her students that we should protect the sharks.

Look at the photo. What do you think is happening? ( Nhìn vào bức tranh. Bạn nghĩ điều gì đang xảy ra?)

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