Nguyễn Thị Thảo Vân | Chat Online
11/09/2024 12:59:34

Read the text and think of the word which best fits each gap. When did it all start? Back in my grandparents’ days, it was assumed that the key factor in marketing a product was (76) …………………………..quality; everything was made to be durable. And just (77) …………………………..all other consumers at that time, my grandparents valued this and, believe it or (78) ………………………….., they still own the same kitchen appliances they bought nearly forty years ago. But fast ...

Read the text and think of the word which best fits each gap.

When did it all start?

Back in my grandparents’ days, it was assumed that the key factor in marketing a product was (76) …………………………..quality; everything was made to be durable. And just (77) …………………………..all other consumers at that time, my grandparents valued this and, believe it or (78) ………………………….., they still own the same kitchen appliances they bought nearly forty years ago. But fast forward forty years, (79) …………………………..have changed and marketing has almost (80) ………………………… do with the product. It is the customer (81) …………………………..has become the driving force (82) …………………………..all business strategies. Technological developments and economic growth have played a vital role in transforming all aspects of (83) …………………………..lives including industries. The irony of it (84) ………………………… that the goal of manufacturers is not to make something that lasts for years to come and this is (85) ………………………….. business is today.

Back in my grandparents’ days, it was assumed that the key factor in marketing a product was (76) …………..quality
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