Tô Hương Liên | Chat Online
11/09/2024 13:07:56

Read the paragraph and complete the notes below ( Đọc đoạn văn và hoàn thành ghi chú dưới đây) I watched Evelyn Glennie’s performance at London Olympics Opening Ceremony , and I loved it. The music performance told a story about the lives of people in the United Kingdom. Glennie played drums together with 1,000 other drummers! It was interesting because the drummers used buckets as drums. In her performance, Glennie did not wear shoes to feel the music better. a. The artist’s ...

Read the paragraph and complete the notes below ( Đọc đoạn văn và hoàn thành ghi chú dưới đây)

I watched Evelyn Glennie’s performance at London Olympics Opening Ceremony , and I loved it. The music performance told a story about the lives of people in the United Kingdom.

Glennie played drums together with 1,000 other drummers! It was interesting because the drummers used buckets as drums. In her performance, Glennie did not wear shoes to feel the music better.

a. The artist’s name:______________

b. The place of the performance:_______________

c. The content of the performance:_____________

d. The instrument:_______________

e. Special things about the performance:_____________

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