Nguyễn Thị Sen | Chat Online
11/09/2024 14:28:33

Work in pairs. Discuss and write a simple sentence from the two given sentences ( Làm việc theo cặp. Thảo luận và viết các câu đơn từ hai câu đã cho) 1. We avoid sweetened food. We avoid soft drinks. We avoid _________________ 2. My dad loves outdoor activities. I love outdoor activities My love________ outdoor activities. 3. You should wear a hat. You should wear suncream. You should wear____________ 4. My mother read the health tips. My mother downloaded the health tips. My ...

Work in pairs. Discuss and write a simple sentence from the two given sentences

( Làm việc theo cặp. Thảo luận và viết các câu đơn từ hai câu đã cho)

1. We avoid sweetened food. We avoid soft drinks.

We avoid _________________

2. My dad loves outdoor activities. I love outdoor activities

My love________ outdoor activities.

3. You should wear a hat. You should wear suncream.

You should wear____________

4. My mother read the health tips. My mother downloaded the health tips.

My mother________________

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