Phạm Minh Trí | Chat Online
11/09/2024 15:15:49

Read Phong’s blog again and circle the correct answer A, B or C ( Đọc blog của Phong một lần nữa. Khoanh đáp án đúng A, B hoặc C) 1. The text is mainly about ________ A. pho, a popular dish in Viet Nam B. popular dishes in Viet Nam C. different ways to cook pho 2. Pho is made mainly with____ A. rice noodles and beef or chicken B. rice, pork, and vegetables C. fish, shrimp, and noodles 3. We enjoy pho____ A. only for breakfast B. for lunch and dinner C. at any time of the day 4. To make ...

Read Phong’s blog again and circle the correct answer A, B or C

( Đọc blog của Phong một lần nữa. Khoanh đáp án đúng A, B hoặc C)

1. The text is mainly about ________

A. pho, a popular dish in Viet Nam

B. popular dishes in Viet Nam

C. different ways to cook pho

2. Pho is made mainly with____

A. rice noodles and beef or chicken

B. rice, pork, and vegetables

C. fish, shrimp, and noodles

3. We enjoy pho____

A. only for breakfast

B. for lunch and dinner

C. at any time of the day

4. To make noodles for pho, we use_____

A. a variety of sticky rice

B. the best kind of rice

C. eggs and rice flour

5. The broth for pho is made by

A. slowly cooking beef or chicken bones

B. cooking beef or chicken with fish sauce

C. boiling potatoes and chicken bones for a long time

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