Phạm Mai Anh | Chat Online
11/09/2024 19:36:36

Viết câu

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
1. Can you wait a few minutes? Sure, no problem.
→ They didn’t mind ________________

2. I can do what I want and you can’t stop me.
→ You can’t stop me from ________________

3. It’s not a good idea to travel during the rush hour.
→ It’s better to avoid ________________

4. Shall we go away tomorrow instead of today?
→ Shall we postpone ________________

5. The driver of the car said it was true that he didn’t have a license.
→ The driver of the car admitted ________________

6. Could you turn the radio down, please?
→ Would you mind ________________

7. Please don’t interrupt me all the time?
→ I don’t want ________________

8. Shall we get married? Yes, let’s.
→ They decided ________________

9. Please help me. Ok
→ She agreed ________________

10. Can I carry this heavy bag for you, Joe? No, thanks. I can manage.
→ Peter offered ________________

11. Let’s meet here at 8 o’clock. Ok, fine.
→ They arranged ________________

12. What’s your name? I’m not going to tell you.
→ She refused ________________

13. My father said that I could use his car.
→ My father allowed ________________
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