Phạm Mai Anh | Chat Online
11/09/2024 19:45:20

Rewrite the sentences

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
19. Don’t stop him doing what he wants.
→ Let him

20. He looks older when he wears glasses.
→ The glasses make him look older

21. I think you should know the truth.
→ I want

22. Don’t let me forget to phone my sister.
→ Remind me

23. At first I didn’t want to apply for the job but Sarah persuaded me.
→ Sarah persuaded me

24. My lawyer said I shouldn’t say anything to the police.
→ My lawyer advised me not to say anything to the police.

25. I was told that I shouldn’t believe everything he said.
→ I was warned not to believe everything he said.
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