Phạm Văn Phú | Chat Online
11/09/2024 19:55:58

Reorder the movie description. Use the skill box to help you. (Sắp xếp lại bản mô tả phim. Sử dụng hộp kỹ năng.) The star is Anna, a young princess. I think all kids will love this movie. The songs are fantastic! Frozen is an animated movie. It is set in a fantasy world. In the movie, Anna has to travel across a frozen country to find her sister, Elsa.

Reorder the movie description. Use the skill box to help you. (Sắp xếp lại bản mô tả phim. Sử dụng hộp kỹ năng.)

The star is Anna, a young princess.

I think all kids will love this movie.

The songs are fantastic!

Frozen is an animated movie. It is set in a fantasy world.

In the movie, Anna has to travel across a frozen country to find her sister, Elsa.

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