ngoc nguyen | Chat Online
11/09/2024 20:44:38

Complete the questions with what or which

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
1. ___ food do you like?
2. ______ favour did you prefer, apple or orange?
3. ______ train goes to Leeds?
4. ______ music do you listen to?
5. ______ book did you choose?
6. ______ books do you like to read?

Exercise 12: Write questions for the answers.
1. Who designed the webpage?
James designed the webpage.
2. Who developed Gothic architecture?
The French developed Gothic architecture.
3. Who did you visit?
I visited my best friend.
4. Who gave Tom extra homework?
The teacher gave Tom extra homework.
5. Who helped Tom?
Gabriel helped Tom.
6. Who did you see?
I saw the accident.

3. Reading skill
Exercise 1: Read the sentences and match them with the words below. There are two items you do not need.
the Internet the mobile phone the hairdryer the radio the MP3 Player

1. I can’t live without it. I use it every day to speak to friends and family. It is so easy to communicate now.
The mobile phone
2. It is a fantastic form of transport – people can travel easily all over the world whenever they want.
3. I can download music and listen to all my favourite songs. It’s very light and very easy to use.
4. I use it to do my homework, my mum uses it to do online shopping and my sister uses it to chat with friends. It’s really useful.

Exercise 2: Write in the missing letters to complete the text.
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