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11/09/2024 22:26:23

Complete the passage by choosing one given word to fill in the gaps. located history opened year that Duong Lam Village is (1) _____ in Duong Lam Commune at a 45km distance from Ha Noi. It is the birthplace of two kings in the (2) _____ of Vietnam, Phung Hung and Ngo Quyen, who (3) _____ up the long-term self-control and independence period of Vietnam after Bach Dang Victory in the (4) _____ 938. All houses, gates, village gates and ...

Complete the passage by choosing one given word to fill in the gaps. located history opened year that Duong Lam Village is (1) _____ in Duong Lam Commune at a 45km distance from Ha Noi. It is the birthplace of two kings in the (2) _____ of Vietnam, Phung Hung and Ngo Quyen, who (3) _____ up the long-term self-control and independence period of Vietnam after Bach Dang Victory in the (4) _____ 938. All houses, gates, village gates and wells are built of laterite creating an architectural complex, a unique village (5) _____ is typical for villages in the midlands in the North of Vietnam.

Duong Lam Village is (1) _____ in Duong Lam Commune at a 45km distance from Ha Noi.

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