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12/09/2024 10:19:30

Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the following passage. MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICE The (36. DECIDE)……………..as to which university to apply to is often taken on the (37. BASE)……………..of a university's position on the world rankings table. Yet, other considerations, such as whether the course is (38. THEORY)……………..or offers hands-on experience and the amount of time that students will need to work (39. DEPEND)…………….. should be taken into account. The fact is that some ...

Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the following passage. MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICE

The (36. DECIDE)……………..as to which university to apply to is often taken on the (37. BASE)……………..of a university's position on the world rankings table. Yet, other considerations, such as whether the course is (38. THEORY)……………..or offers

hands-on experience and the amount of time that students will need to work (39. DEPEND)…………….. should be taken into account. The fact is that some undergraduates who express their (40. SATISFY)…………….. with their university

experience base their (41. COMPAIN) ……………..on poor organization, the lack of support received and on having fewer contact hours than expected. As higher education (42. PROVIDE)……………..come under increasing pressure to meet established targets and to maintain or improve their status, course guidelines should (43. CLEAR)……………..what participants can expect from the course and what the course expects from them. This should (44. SURE) …………….. a reduction in student drop-out rates. Inevitably, though, no matter how much the content and structure is spelt out, some students will turn up with (45. REAL)…………….. expectations that can never be met.

(Cambridge English Exam Booster for Advanced)

The (36. DECIDE)……………..as to which university to apply to is often taken on

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