Bé's Bông's | Chat Online
26/07/2017 10:31:37

Rewrite the following sentences: 1) "Why don't you organize an English competition for our student?" => Ms Lien suggested ....... 2) "I'm sorry I'm late, said Mr Thanh => Mr Thanh apologized .........

Rewrite the following sentences with Gẻund
1," Why don't you organize an English competition for our student?"
=>Ms Lien suggested .......
2, "I'm sorry I'm late ,said Mr Thanh 
=>Mr Thanh apologized...........
3," Me ? No, I did'n take Sue's calculator" Said Bob
=>Bob denied ............
4," You were cheating " said David to Henry 
=> David accused.........
5," I must see the manager " he cried
=>He insisted
6," If you wanted to take my bike ,you should have asked me first " said Mike to his brother
=> Mike criticized.......
7," You won the scholarship .Congratulation ," Mary told me
=> Mary  congratulated ..........
8," It was kind of you to help me with my homework " Lan said to Hoa
=> Lan thanked.......
9, "  Shall we walk there? It's not far ", said 
=> He proposed............
10, " Turn off the computer . You are not allowed to play game now ", Dick mother said 
=> Dick's mother prevented...........
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