Nguyễn Thị Sen | Chat Online
12/09/2024 13:25:32

Give the correct form of the verbs in the passive of simple future. 1. The essays (assess) by Hans de Wit, who is the Presidentof the EAIE. 2. Students’ academic performance (not evaluate) through exams only. 3. Classes (hold) also in places like restaurants or supermarkets. 4. The school’s curriculum (tailor) constantly to meetchanges in society. 5. Women ...

Give the correct form of the verbs in the passive of simple future.

1. The essays (assess) by Hans de Wit, who is the Presidentof the EAIE.

2. Students’ academic performance (not evaluate) through exams only.

3. Classes (hold) also in places like restaurants or supermarkets.

4. The school’s curriculum (tailor) constantly to meetchanges in society.

5. Women (free) from most housework by high technology.

6. Not all the decisions in the family (make) by men.

7. More flyovers (build) to reduce traffic in the city.

8. We are staying at the Grand Hotel, which (demolish) for a department store.

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