Nguyễn Thị Thảo Vân | Chat Online
12/09/2024 15:08:29

Fill each space with a suitable phrase from the list (a-k) below. (The first is done for you: 1-b) Linda: I want to go to a sports club. Black’s is good __1__ come too? __2__ sports? Julia: Oh yes, __3__ squash, for example. But really, __4__ sports which you can do outdoors. What about you, __5__ outdoor sports? Linda: I__6__ most sports, but __7__ tennis. Julia: What sports can we do at Black’s ? Linda: They offer a good range. And there is a swimming pool .But it’s rather far away. ...

Fill each space with a suitable phrase from the list (a-k) below. (The first is done for you: 1-b)

Linda: I want to go to a sports club. Black’s is good __1__ come too? __2__ sports? Julia: Oh yes, __3__ squash, for example. But really, __4__ sports which you can do outdoors. What about you, __5__ outdoor sports? Linda: I__6__ most sports, but __7__ tennis. Julia: What sports can we do at Black’s ? Linda: They offer a good range. And there is a swimming pool .But it’s rather far away. Julia: What about Forest’s? That’s nearer. And they have lots of tennis courts. Linda: __8__ go to a club with a swimming pool. Julia : But we’d have to catch a bus to Black’s. Kida: Well, __9__? Julia: (10)_____.You decide. Linda: O K, __10__ to go to Black’s . But _11_ to pay your bus fare!

a. do you like b. would you like to c. what do you want to do d. Do you like e. I prefer f. I like g. my favorite is h. I’d rather i. I’m not sure j. enjoy k. I’d prefer

Linda: I want to go to a sports club. Black’s is good __1__ come too?

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