Nguyễn Thị Sen | Chat Online
12/09/2024 15:09:08

Fill in each of the gaps with the correct preposition or particle. Write your answers in the numbered spaces provided below the passage. The show was fully booked (51) _____ for weeks, and when it opened last night, the public poured (52) _____ and very soon the London Arts Center was packed (53) _____. But why? What did they come to see? They came to see human beings take (54) _____ circus animals, men in cat suits who stood (55) _____ for real lions and tigers. The show was put (56) _____ by ...

Fill in each of the gaps with the correct preposition or particle. Write your answers in the numbered spaces provided below the passage.

The show was fully booked (51) _____ for weeks, and when it opened last night, the public poured (52) _____ and very soon the London Arts Center was packed (53) _____. But why? What did they come to see? They came to see human beings take (54) _____ circus animals, men in cat suits who stood (55) _____ for real lions and tigers. The show was put (56) _____ by its creators to protest (57) _____ traditional circuses and to send a message about cruelty to animals. The show was timed to tie (58) _____ with the National Protection of Animals Week. It was a good idea, but the standard of the performances was third-rate and an embarrassing number of people simply walked (59) _____ before it ended. There were some amusing moments when the performers sent (60) _____ typical circus folks, but overall it was a dismal show. Despite the large turnout for the show’s first night, I doubt it will attract many people during the rest of its seven-day run.

The show was fully booked (51) _____ for weeks, and when it opened last night, the public poured (52) _____

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