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12/09/2024 15:48:25

Use the correct form of each word on the right to complete the numbered spaces provided in the passage. Write your answers on your answer sheet. Three hundred and fifty years before the first men looked down on the amazingly beautiful surface of the moon from close quarters, Galileo’s newly built telescope (1)_______ him to look at the edge of the hitherto mysterious sphere. He saw that the apparently (2)_______ surface was not divinely smooth and round, but bumpy and imperfect. He realized ...

Use the correct form of each word on the right to complete the numbered spaces provided in the passage. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Three hundred and fifty years before the first men looked down on the amazingly beautiful surface of the moon from close quarters, Galileo’s newly built telescope (1)_______ him to look at the edge of the hitherto mysterious sphere. He saw that the apparently (2)_______ surface was not divinely smooth and round, but bumpy and imperfect. He realized that although the moon might appear (3)_____, resembling a still life painted by the hand of a cosmic (4)_____, it was a real world, perhaps not very different from our own. This amounted to a great (5)______ hardly to be expected in his day and age, although nowadays his (6)______ may appear to some to be trivial and (7)________. Not long after Galileo lunar’s observations, the skies which had previously been so (8)________ revealed more of their extraordinary mysteries. Casting around for further wonders, Galileo focused his lens on the (9)_______ planet of Jupiter. Nestling next to it, he saw four little points of light circling the distant planet. Our moon it appeared, perhaps (10)_______ in the eyes of those fearful of what the discovery might mean, was not alone!

Three hundred and fifty years before the first men looked down on the amazingly beautiful surface of the moon from close quarters, Galileo’s newly built telescope (1)_______ him to look at the edge of the hitherto mysterious sphere

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