Tôi yêu Việt Nam | Chat Online
12/09/2024 16:12:53

Supply the correct form of the word in capital letter. Write your answers on your answer sheet. With the development of fast motorway systems in many countries, once remote parts of the countryside are (1. INCREASE) __________ becoming (2. ACCESS) ____________to people who live in towns and cities. In many parts of the world, rising (3. PERSON) ____________incomes have resulted in mass (4. OWN) ____________ of motor cars at a time when people have more leisure time to fill. This means that there ...

Supply the correct form of the word in capital letter. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

With the development of fast motorway systems in many countries, once remote parts of the countryside are (1. INCREASE) __________ becoming (2. ACCESS) ____________to people who live in towns and cities. In many parts of the world, rising (3. PERSON) ____________incomes have resulted in mass (4. OWN) ____________ of motor cars at a time when people have more leisure time to fill. This means that there is a lot of (5. PRESS) ___________ on the countryside to accept a growing number of visitors. In Britain, for example, the (6. NATION)____________ parks are used by more than one hundred million people annually. In (7. ADD) __________, similar numbers visit areas that do not enjoy the same level of (8. PROTECT) ____________. Some people regard this invasion of the countryside as (9. DESIRE) ____________and they have begun campaigning to try and save some aspects of (10. TRADITION)____________ rural culture. With the development of fast motorway systems in many countries, once remote parts of the countryside are (1. INCREASE) __________ becoming

With the development of fast motorway systems in many countries, once remote parts of the countryside are (1. INCREASE) __________ becoming

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