Nguyễn Thị Thảo Vân | Chat Online
12/09/2024 16:15:03

Fill in each blank with one suitable word. Is Photography Dead? For a long time in the past photography was not regarded as an art. It was simply a skill and it was criticized for being too mechanical and not creative enough. At last, however, photography is now accepted as a unique and very important (1)...............of art. The photograph's claim to be an objective record of reality is now seriously challenged, and the important function of photography in modern-day society is consequently ...

Fill in each blank with one suitable word.

Is Photography Dead?

For a long time in the past photography was not regarded as an art. It was simply a skill and it was criticized for being too mechanical and not creative enough. At last, however, photography is now accepted as a unique and very important (1)...............of art. The photograph's claim to be an objective record of reality is now seriously challenged, and the important function of photography in modern-day society is consequently (2) ......threat. The threat has suddenly become all the more serious as more and more photographers are (3)............... to the new technology which computers offer. Moreover, a (n) (4) ............... number of colleges have now begun to offer (5) .......... in computer imaging. All these developments (6)............... a disturbing question. Is photography, as we know (7)................dead? In spite of its complete transformation by new technological developments, however, photography will continue to play a (8) ...............role in our culture. Although it may no longer (9)............ to be realistic, modern photography can continue to provide us with fresh visral (10) ...............about ourselves and the world in which we live.

At last, however, photography is now accepted as a unique and very important (1)...............of art.

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