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12/09/2024 16:16:03

Fill in the blank with a suitable word. Men have played a significant (1) in American society as the main breadwinner, and protector of the family. But the traditional role of men has slowly beentransferred to women. Society is changing (2) women going to college, and gaining jobs. It may even happen in several years’time when women are given sole earning (3) in American society as the main (4) of ...

Fill in the blank with a suitable word.

Men have played a significant (1) in American society as the main breadwinner, and protector of the family. But the traditional role of men has slowly beentransferred to women. Society is changing (2) women going to college, and gaining jobs. It may even happen in several years’time when women are given sole earning (3) in American society as the main (4) of the family. That is due in part to women gained working privileges (5) to men in the 1970s.

Up until the 1970s, men were the traditional family breadwinners, while women stayed at home, raised the kids, made dinner every night, cleaned the house, and ran all of the errands. Men went to work every day, making enough money to buy a nice home, buy a new car every so often.

Once women were afforded the (6) to work in the same jobs men once held, men’s more traditional foothold in the workplace was loosened. Women were given bigger jobs with more responsibility, but women take jobs with major responsibly with (7) pay than men.

The role of men in American society is (8) with more women going to college, and obtaining careers; men are playing more untraditional roles at home.

Women are still giving birth to the kids, running errands, cleaning, making dinner. Young children, boys as well as girls, are being raised with dad at home (9) care of the kids.

Millions of families are also raising their young with mom and dad (10) all of the responsibilities. Today’s role of men in American society is more of a shared role, with a more undefined role.

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