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12/09/2024 16:26:31

BOXING DAY Boxing Day in the United Kingdom is the day after Christmas Day and falls on December 26. Traditionally, it was a day when employers gave money, food, cloth (material) or other valuable goods to their employees. In modern times, it is an important day an an opportunity to spend time with their family, friends and neighbors. Some people choose to go for a walk in the countryside, while others gather and wait in a line for the post-Christmas sales in large stores that often begin on ...


Boxing Day in the United Kingdom is the day after Christmas Day and falls on December 26. Traditionally, it was a day when employers gave money, food, cloth (material) or other valuable goods to their employees. In modern times, it is an important day an an opportunity to spend time with their family, friends and neighbors. Some people choose to go for a walk in the countryside, while others gather and wait in a line for the post-Christmas sales in large stores that often begin on Boxing Day. Boxing Day is also an important day for sporting events. Traditionally, using dogs to hunt for foxes was a popular sport among the upper class. Pictures of hunters on horseback dressed in red coats and surrounded by hunting dogs are often seen as symbolic of Boxing Day. Nowadays, fox hunting is allowed. Horse racing and football (soccer) are now popular sports.

When is Boxing Day celebrated?

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