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12/09/2024 16:31:25

Read the paragraph, then decide whether the following sentences are True (T) or False (F). Charles Dickens was born in Ports Mouth in 1812. His family then lived in London. His father was a clerk in an office. There were eight children in the family, so life was hard. Charles went to school and his teacher thought he was very clever. When he was only eleven, he had to leave school and went to work in a factory. He worked ten hours a day and earned 30 pence a week. Every night, after work, he ...

Read the paragraph, then decide whether the following sentences are True (T) or False (F).

Charles Dickens was born in Ports Mouth in 1812. His family then lived in London. His father was a clerk in an office. There were eight children in the family, so life was hard. Charles went to school and his teacher thought he was very clever. When he was only eleven, he had to leave school and went to work in a factory. He worked ten hours a day and earned 30 pence a week. Every night, after work, he walked four miles back to his home. Charles hated it and never forgot. He used it in many novels, especially David Copperfield and Oliver Twist.

_______ Charles’ family had eight children.

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