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12/09/2024 20:59:53

Read the text carefully then do the tasks. The Statue of Liberty, one of America’s most familiar images, is on an island in New York Harbor. It is a symbol of freedom. It was a gift to American people from French to show the friendship between the two nations. This is the statue of a woman who is wearing a loose robe and a crown on her head. Her right hand holds a burning torch, and her left hand holds a tablet with the date July 4th, 1776 on it. The statue weighs 205 tons and it is 46 meters ...

Read the text carefully then do the tasks.

The Statue of Liberty, one of America’s most familiar images, is on an island in New York Harbor. It is a symbol of freedom. It was a gift to American people from French to show the friendship between the two nations. This is the statue of a woman who is wearing a loose robe and a crown on her head. Her right hand holds a burning torch, and her left hand holds a tablet with the date July 4th, 1776 on it. The statue weighs 205 tons and it is 46 meters high. It stands on a stone base. The base and the pedestal increase the height of the monument to 93 meters. The statue was completed in 1884 in France, and then transported to America in 1886. Tourists can visit the statue from 9.30 a.m to 5 p.m daily except Christmas Day. A. Decide if the following statements are true (T) of false (F).

The Statue of Liberty is the most familiar image in America.

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