Phạm Văn Bắc | Chat Online
12/09/2024 21:10:42

Read the passage and fill each blank with a word / phrase from the list. Guess make translate correct imitate look up If you don’t know what a word means, try to (1) ……….… the meaning, or (2) ……………. the word in your dictionary. All foreign speakers have an accent, but that doesn’t matter. To make your pronunciation better, listen to English speakers and try to (3) ……. them. Don’t worry if you (4) ………… mistakes or don’t try to (5) ……………… a mistake – that’s normal! It’s ...

Read the passage and fill each blank with a word / phrase from the list. Guess make translate correct imitate look up If you don’t know what a word means, try to (1) ……….… the meaning, or (2) ……………. the word in your dictionary. All foreign speakers have an accent, but that doesn’t matter. To make your pronunciation better, listen to English speakers and try to (3) ……. them. Don’t worry if you (4) ………… mistakes or don’t try to (5) ……………… a mistake – that’s normal! It’s often useful to (6) …………… words from one language to the other, but it’s best when you can start to think in the new language.

If you don’t know what a word means, try to (1) ……….… the meaning

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