Anonymous - Người dùng ẩn danh
21/04/2019 08:57:41

All presents (send) ... to students in this classroom

Active or passive? Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete these sentences
1. All presents (send) to students in this classroom
2. l (tell) by my friends not to believe the girl's tears
3. The tennnis game (postpone) because the heavy rain
4. France team (win) ltaly one goal to nil
5. Those boy (leave) alone or they will teardown the place
6. His mistakes (point out) to him by her
7. The book they published last year (not send) to us
8. We (give) a very warm welcome by host
9. Everybody (think) that Jack was the laziest of all pupils
10. The school (admit) a large number of new pupils this year
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