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13/09/2024 07:30:40

Read the following passage and fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. TOO MUCH ON OUR PLATES An increasing proportion of the population are overweight, probably (61)…………to increased prosperity, cheaper food and changing dietary habits. One noticeable example of (62)…………is that portion sizes have increased dramatically over the last thirty years. What’s (63)…………, we are losing the ability to judge how large an “appropriate portion” should be. There is now so much food on our plates (64)…………if ...

Read the following passage and fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.


An increasing proportion of the population are overweight, probably (61)…………to increased prosperity, cheaper food and changing dietary habits. One noticeable example of (62)…………is that portion sizes have increased dramatically over the last thirty years. What’s (63)…………, we are losing the ability to judge how large an “appropriate portion” should be. There is now so much food on our plates (64)…………if we eat up everything that is put in front of us, as our parents taught us to do, the chances are we will put on (65)…………. Researchers at Pennsylvania State University investigating the factors that lead to obesity looked at the role portion size (66)…………in determining how much people eat. In order to test this, researchers set the lunch table (67)…………four days for two groups of men and women. One group was given a plate that already contained a pre-measured portion. The (68)…………were handed an empty plate and allowed to serve themselves from the same-sized portions presented in a dish. (69)…………the participants put the food on their own plates or not, the larger portion in front of them, the more they ate. Even if we think we are in control of what we eat, we all have the (70)…………innate reaction to portion size. No matter how hungry we are, we eat more if we are given more.

An increasing proportion of the population are overweight, probably (61)…………to increased prosperity
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