Hạ Vy | Chat Online
23/04/2019 08:37:47

Read the passage and answer the following question: Why should we improve our pronunciation?

Read the passage and answer the following question
there are some ways to improve your spoken English at home . First, you should improve your English clearly, even if you dont know many words. second , most English learners ead too much and listen too little. If you want to improve your English speaking, spend more time listening ! listen to the audio while you read the text, then read the text out loud , trying to imitate the pronunciation yourr hear in the audio . Then , reading English texts out loud will train your mouth and lips to pronounce English words more naturally . I suggest reading every text out loud twice . The first time, read slowly and focus on pronouncing each word correcttly . Circle the words that are difficult to pronounce and repeat each one ten time, read faster and focus on your English flow , speaking each sentence with a natural rhythm....
. Why should we improve our pronunciation ?
2. Do we need to spend more time listening if we want to improve our English speaking ?
3. What are the functions of reading the text out loud twice ?
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