Trần Bảo Ngọc | Chat Online
13/09/2024 10:26:05

Read the passage and answer the following questions Jeans are the most popular kind of clothing in the world . They are popular almost eveywhere, in France, in China, Italy and Vietnam. Most of people love to wear Jeans . Rich people, poor people , young people and even some old people wear them . In the United States , they are the only kind of traditional clothes. In other countries, young people wear them because they want to look modern . Jeans are the sign of young people . Everyone wants ...

Read the passage and answer the following questions

Jeans are the most popular kind of clothing in the world . They are popular almost eveywhere, in France, in China, Italy and Vietnam. Most of people love to wear Jeans . Rich people, poor people , young people and even some old people wear them . In the United States , they are the only kind of traditional clothes. In other countries, young people wear them because they want to look modern . Jeans are the sign of young people . Everyone wants to be modern, young and independent.

Are jeans the most popular kind of clothing in the world?
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