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13/09/2024 13:40:52

Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word in each space. Write your answers on your answer sheet. SPLENDID SPAS OF ASIA Lying on a bed almost on the (1) ________ of a cliff, with a stupendous ocean view and the (2) ________ of waves, aches and pains are soothed away (3) ________ expert hands. Only two steps are needed to reach the private pool, which seems to merge (4) ________ the ocean. Such a scenario is no longer a fantasy (5) ________ an ...

Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word in each space. Write your answers on your answer sheet. SPLENDID SPAS OF ASIA

Lying on a bed almost on the (1) ________ of a cliff, with a stupendous ocean view and the (2) ________ of waves, aches and pains are soothed away (3) ________ expert hands. Only two steps are needed to reach the private pool, which seems to merge (4) ________ the ocean. Such a scenario is no longer a fantasy (5) ________ an increasingly popular reality in Asia for many stressed out businessmen and visitors from all over the world in search of that peaceful time and space for their body and mind. In the last four years, at (6) ________ 17 hotel spas have opened in South East Asia to (7)________ this need. The tropical climate of the region and its reliable sunshine make for an ideal spa setting. Picturesque environments (8) ________ with a series of rejuvenating treatments bring the desired result. The Asian spa resorts have acquired a formidable reputation for their professional services as (9) ________ as for the decor of their large treatment rooms. Visitors relax with Thai music and soak in the warm tones of the room. As all these take (10) ________ in individual rooms, precious privacy is guaranteed, a rare privilege often absent from other spas where guests share rooms or changing areas. Lying on a bed almost on the (1) ________ of a cliff, with a stupendous ocean view and the

Lying on a bed almost on the (1) ________ of a cliff, with a stupendous ocean view and the (2) ________ of waves

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