Read the text and choose the best options to complete the following sentencesEx: Read the text and choose the best options to complete the following sentences: A carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) relesed into the air by your own energy needs. You need transportation, electtricty, food, clothing, and other goods. Co2 is produced by the burning of fossil fuels which is used to provide energy energy for your homes, by the cars you travel in and by the manufacture and transport of gooods you buy. Carbon dioxide is also called greenhouse gas which causes global warming. That is the reason why the carbon footprint is a very powerful tool to understand the impact or personal behaviours on global warming. .If you want to contribute to stop global warming , the breduction of your personal carbon footprint is essential. First, you can reduce your carbon footprint by driving less. When possible, walk or ride a bike to avoid carbon emissions complety. Or use public transport in order to decrease CO2 emissions. Second, support using clean energy sources such as wind, solar, geothermal energy and biogas. Finaally, reusing or recycling items you no longer use is also a good way to reduce your carbon footrint. 1. '......... is the best title for the first paragraph. A.The importance of carbon footprint B.What is the carbon footprint? C.How can you calculate your carbon footprint 2.Your carbon footprint can affact........ warming B.greenhouse gas C.fossil fuels 3.In order to stop global warming , you should........ A.reduce your carbon footprint from driving B.encourage using clean energy sources C.both A &B are correct. 4.You will not emit any carbon dioxide by....... . A.walking or riding bicycles B.using public transport C.both A & B are correct 5.You can reduce your carbon footprint by........ A.travelling by car B.recycling the things that you don't use C.both A & B are correct |