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13/09/2024 15:37:39

Listen to a class presentation about a planet (Track 1). Then write the correct answer for each question or statement

Link file nghe: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K-ApnJxPwvMCIn93NHabEjPwTDQ5t2_J/view
 Listen to a class presentation about a planet (Track 1). Then write the correct answer for each question or statement.

1. Life on other planets ____.

A. cannot exist without liquid water

B. will not adapt to changing conditions

C. can exist if the planets are not solid

2. Why don’t scientists have more information about Kepler 186f?

A. The Kepler telescope isn’t designed to produce images.

B. The Kepler telescope’s images of the planet aren’t very clear.

C. The Kepler telescope cannot produce images of the planet.

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