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13/09/2024 16:48:50

Supply the correct form of the word in capital letter. Write your answers on your answer sheet. Culture clashes One (1)______(CHARACTER) of the modern world is that people increasingly find themselves living side by side with people from other cultures. While in the past people with different cultures were able to live quite (2)______(SEPARATE), high mobility and freedom of movement mean that we are more likely today to be confronted with people whose way the life is (3)______(FAMILIAR) to us. ...

Supply the correct form of the word in capital letter. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Culture clashes One (1)______(CHARACTER) of the modern world is that people increasingly find themselves living side by side with people from other cultures. While in the past people with different cultures were able to live quite (2)______(SEPARATE), high mobility and freedom of movement mean that we are more likely today to be confronted with people whose way the life is (3)______(FAMILIAR) to us. In such circumstances, (4)______(RACE) is a read danger. People feel a tremendous (5)_____(LOYAL) to their own culture, and are often unwilling to develop an (6)______(APPRECIATE) of the positive aspects of other cultures. They may feel that another culture presents a threat to their own (7)______(INHERIT), one that could even lead to the (8)_____(APPEAR) of certain aspects of their way of life. Often, however, this threat is more a matter of (9)_____(PERCEIVE) than reality and different groups live in (10) ______(RELATE) harmony in many parts of the world. One (1)______(CHARACTER) of the modern world is that people increasingly find themselves living side by side with people from other cultures.

One (1)______(CHARACTER) of the modern world is that people increasingly find themselves living side by side with people from other cultures.

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