Nguyễn Thanh Thảo | Chat Online
13/09/2024 17:24:24

Read the passage then choose True (t) or False (F). There is a question as of why students from famous universities are so smart. The answer lies in their study habits, which should be developed by all students from early ages with help from parents and schools.First, a habit of frequent reading is what children should have. It is understandable if a child does not like reading in his early life. What parents and teachers should do is to explain the importance of daily reading to children. ...

Read the passage then choose True (t) or False (F).

There is a question as of why students from famous universities are so smart. The answer lies in their study habits, which should be developed by all students from early ages with help from parents and schools.First, a habit of frequent reading is what children should have. It is understandable if a child does not like reading in his early life. What parents and teachers should do is to explain the importance of daily reading to children. Simply, parents can encourage their children to bring books in their handbags to read in their leisure time. Teachers can share their book picks with their students.................... Students at top universities are all born smart.

................... Students at top universities are all born smart.

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