Nguyễn Thị Thảo Vân | Chat Online
13/09/2024 17:37:12

Read the passage, and then answer the questions. (1 m) The Youth and Young Pioneers Organization (Y&Y) was founded in Viet Nam on March 26th 1931. It builds character, encourages good citizenship and personal fitness.The Y&Y has many plans to help the community. It encourages all members to take part in different programs.The recycling program can help people save natural resources. The “Rosy Smile” program helps raising funds for the poor children. The “Green Sunday” program makes the city more ...

Read the passage, and then answer the questions. (1 m)

The Youth and Young Pioneers Organization (Y&Y) was founded in Viet Nam on March 26th 1931. It builds character, encourages good citizenship and personal fitness.The Y&Y has many plans to help the community. It encourages all members to take part in different programs.The recycling program can help people save natural resources. The “Rosy Smile” program helps raising funds for the poor children. The “Green Sunday” program makes the city more beautiful with clean streets, plenty of trees and flowers. It gives more green color to the city and it is done on Sunday so it has the name “Green Sunday”. There are more helpful programs such as “Helping the elderly and street children”, “Supporting Cultural - Sport”, “Young Scientist” ...etc...

* Answer the questions:

When was the Y&Y founded?

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