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13/09/2024 21:05:40

Choose the correct option

1. What is the writer's main aim in writing the text?
a. to talk about your family problems
b. to explain the importance of being yourself
c. to describe how intelligent we are
d. to suggest how people can change their way of life

2. This essay was most likely written by ...
a. a young person
b. a coach
c. a teacher
d. a parent

3. What does the writer say about our parents?
a. They always tell us that we are good enough.
b. They never forget to tell us that we are special.
c. They always tell us that we are special.
d. They frequently forget to tell us that we are special.

4. The author of this essay believes that ...
a. we are all good enough just the way we are
b. the richer you are, the better you are
c. intelligent people are more special than others
d. not everyone can be special

5. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
a. What Makes You Laugh?
b. What Makes You Happy?
c. What Makes You Special?
d. What Makes You Stronger?
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