Tôi yêu Việt Nam | Chat Online
13/09/2024 23:34:45

Complete the following passage by supplying the correct form of the word to fill in each blank. The increase in city crime is a global phenomenon. Some people say that a lot of crime in this country is because of (1 - migrate) ______ and the new people arriving from other countries bring different (2 - culture) ______ values and attitudes to the law. I don’t agree with this idea because the most common crimes are (3 - local) ______ produced and not imported from other countries. (4 - Vandal) ...

Complete the following passage by supplying the correct form of the word to fill in each blank.

The increase in city crime is a global phenomenon. Some people say that a lot of crime in this country is because of (1 - migrate) ______ and the new people arriving from other countries bring different (2 - culture) ______ values and attitudes to the law. I don’t agree with this idea because the most common crimes are (3 - local) ______ produced and not imported from other countries. (4 - Vandal) ______ is one of the biggest crimes in my city with bus shelters and shop windows being popular targets. Another popular crime is (5 - pay) ______ parking fines, which is unlikely to be because of immigrants because most of them do not own cars. The (6 - oppose) ______ point of view is that young local people feel angry when they can’t get a job and in order to (7 - hand) ______ the change in their environment, they strike out at easy targets. This would explain why bicycle (8 - thief) ______ is more common than car crime these days, especially in rich (9 - neighbors) ______ where most cars are protected with electronic alarms. Another reason, though, for so many bicycles getting stolen might be that the (10 - punish) ______ is not very severe compared to car stealing which can land you in prison for a number of years.

Some people say that a lot of crime in this country is because of (1 - migrate) ______ and the new people arriving from other countries bring different (2 - culture) ______ values and attitudes to the law.
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