Nguyễn Thị Thảo Vân | Chat Online
14/09/2024 00:51:41

Listen to the information about the “Overpopulation” and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS to fill the gaps. Overpopulation is a real problem. It could kill the Earth. Very soon, there will be too many people and not enough land. There won’t be enough farms to (36) _________ for everyone. We’ll eat all of the fish in the sea. And our pollution will cause more (37) _________. I think we are in a very serious situation. I don’t know what the answer is. Our (38) _________ don’t seem too worried. They ...

Listen to the information about the “Overpopulation” and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS to fill the gaps.

Overpopulation is a real problem. It could kill the Earth. Very soon, there will be too many people and not enough land. There won’t be enough farms to (36) _________ for everyone. We’ll eat all of the fish in the sea. And our pollution will cause more (37) _________. I think we are in a very serious situation. I don’t know what the answer is. Our (38) _________ don’t seem too worried. They never see the bigger picture. The world’s population is exploding, and explosions cause great damage. More and more people are living longer and longer. We have better medicines. Our (39) _________ have found cures to many diseases. There are many reasons. What we really need to do is (40) _________ how overpopulation is damaging the Earth.

There won’t be enough farms to (36) _________ for everyone.
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