Chi Phạm | Chat Online
15/09/2024 11:51:12

Choose the correct answer

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
14. Ms. Cheung lives on an island and works in Tsim Sha Tsui – the city center, so every day she takes the _____ back and forth across the Victoria Harbor.
A. cruise
15. When Haruto first came to the UK, he was so ________ about making mistakes, so he didn’t speak English to anyone in his class.
A. delighted B. nervous
16. On the day of the Fire Dancing Festival, the Pà Thènh ethnic group in Hà Giang set a big _____ on the yard and start the rituals.
A. bonfire B. firework
17. He is staying next to ________ Hype Park.
A. Ø B. the
18. There are many available ________ power sources in Vietnam including sun, wind, water, etc.
A. non-renewable B. solar C. renewable D. nuclear
19. Make sure you don’t take the wrong bag at the ________.
A. custom B. security C. boarding D. baggage claim
20. Bicycles are ________ for the environment than cars.
A. better B. more C. as good D. the best
21. ________ in Chinese culture, red is a symbol of luck in most Vietnamese celebrations.
A. Similar B. Different C. Like D. Same
22. When Haruto first came to the UK, he was so ________ about making mistakes, so he didn’t speak English to anyone in his class.
A. delighted B. nervous C. excited D. bored
23. This is Linda’s hat, and those shoes are ________, too.
A. her B. his C. our D. hers
24. ________ power is produced by collecting sunlight and converting it into electricity.
A. Nuclear B. Solar C. Wind D. Hydro
25. Person A: Whose suitcase is this?
Person B: It has Jodie and Jack’s names on it, so it must be ________.
A. their B. his C. ours D. theirs
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