Ha Phuongg | Chat Online
15/09/2024 20:37:39

Chọn từ đúng

1. (All though), (despite) his doctor warned him, George has continued to smoke nearly four packs of cigarettes a day.

2. (Even though), (despite) his doctor’s warnings, George has continued to smoke nearly four packs of cigarettes a day.

3. (Even though), (despite) the warnings his doctor  gave him, George continutes to smoke.

4. (Even though), (despite) the fact that his doctor warned him of dangers to his health, George continues to smoke.

5. (Though) , (despite) he has been warned about the dangers of smoking by his doctor, George continues to smoke.

6. (Although), (in spite of) an approaching storm, the two climbers continued their trek up the mountain.

7. (Although), (in spite of) a storm was approaching, the two climbers continued their trek.

8. (Though), ( in spite of) there was an approaching storm, the two climbers continued up the mountain.

9. (Although), (in spite of) the storm that was approaching the mountain area, the two climbers continued their trek.

10. (Although), (in spite of) the fact that a storm was approaching the mountain area, the two climbers continued their trek.

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