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15/09/2024 21:47:18

Read the passage and decide whether each statement is True or False

Read the passage and decide whether each statement is True or False.

Sandra is twelve years old and she lives with her parents and her little sister in Newcastle. She likes to do a lot of things but most of all she is fond of collecting stamps.

Her parents and her friends help her to collect the stamps. She has got over seven hundred stamps from different countries. They are very beautiful indeed. All her stamps are gathered in groups such as: sports, famous people, birds, animals, capitals, space, trees, flowers, cars, planes and countries.

Her friends often come to her and she tells them this history of each stamp. It is very interesting.

22. Sandra is eleven years old.

23. She lives in Newcastle with her grandparents.

24. She gathers her stamps in different groups.

25. When her friends come to her, she tells them the history of each stamp.
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