Read the passage and answer the questions below. Complete each sentence with TWO WORDS from the passage.
1. In the nineteenth century, the world was a hard and dangerous place for women, especially for _____________________________________.
2. Isabella Bird's death occurred nearly ___________________________________ after her birth.
3. It has been argued that one cause of Bird's health issues may have been a(n) _______________________
4. On her second visit to the United States, Bird visited the ___________________________________ in particular.
5. One honor that Bird achieved was being the ___________________________________ to be made a member of a famous exploration society.
6. Like Bird's, Annie Peck Smith's birth occurred during the ___________________________________.
7. In her late 20s, Peck was able to ___________________________________ in order to complete her education.
8. Some people were surprised by Peck's decision to wear trousers while climbing because they thought they were ___________________________________ for a woman.