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16/09/2024 20:47:10

Read the passage and answer the questions below. Complete each sentence with TWO WORDS from the passage

Read the passage and answer the questions below. Complete each sentence with TWO WORDS from the passage.

 In the nineteenth century, the world was a hard and dangerous place for women, especially for _____________________________________.

2. Isabella Bird's death occurred nearly ___________________________________ after her birth.

3. It has been argued that one cause of Bird's health issues may have been a(n) _______________________

4. On her second visit to the United States, Bird visited the ___________________________________ in particular.

5. One honor that Bird achieved was being the ___________________________________ to be made a member of a famous exploration society.

6. Like Bird's, Annie Peck Smith's birth occurred during the ___________________________________.

7. In her late 20s, Peck was able to ___________________________________ in order to complete her education.

8. Some people were surprised by Peck's decision to wear trousers while climbing because they thought they were ___________________________________ for a woman.

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