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20/09/2024 16:33:30

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of Do or MAKE

 III. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of Do or MAKE:

1. He is.....................research in chemistry now.

2. She..................my bed this morning.

3. Have you..................arrangements to sell your house?

4. We have to..................military service in my country.

5. Tom’s mother...........him eat his dinner last evening.

6. We always........................our best.

7. That shop.........................very good business.

8. She always....................fun of me.

9. The principal will.............a speech at the meeting.

10.  Let’s...............a plan.

11.  Who.........................this beautiful blouse?

12.  A computer can..........................simple calculations with lightning speed.

13. I’m going to.......................some reading.

IV.                   Choose DO _ HAVE _ MAKE to fill in the gap to complete sentences:

1. I hope to ______ my own business one day.                    

2. I don't ______ many hobbies.       

3. My wife usually ______ the bed, rather than me.

4. Many countries ______ problems with obesity.

5. I ______ a mistake in my IELTS reading last time I took the test.

6. I ______ my break at work at 3.15.          

7. Reading a lot __ a real difference to your IELTS score. 

8. I’m planning to ______ a holiday in June or July.           

9. I ______ my shopping at the weekends.

10. I don’t ______ much sympathy with students who fail because they did not study.

11- If someone is ___ a lot of noise I can’t concentrate.

12. I don’t always ______ time to study

13. I’ll ______ my best in the IELTS test.

14. I usually ____ the cooking and ironing in our house.

15. You can ______ a lot of money if you are a doctor.

16. ______ a rest now and again is important if you are studying hard.

17. You must only _  business with people you can trust.

18. I ______ a good time on holiday in France.

19. If I ______ nothing I get really bored.

20. Giving money to charity ______ a real difference to my life.    
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